Treviso typical italian meal


Think about typical italian restaurant in your homeland… they propose you a large selection of dish and now we are here to teach you as much we can of them, so once you get back home you can surprise all your friends and relative with Italian recipes.

You will learn how to prepare a whole meal, from appetizers to dessert.

The dishes proposed by our chef could vary according to the period of the year, season, festivity or to your need, but they will always include the most famous and traditional Italian foods. The step by step preparation could includes lasagna or potatoes dumplings, risotto or pasta (homemade), or sauce like bolognese or pesto, but thee will be the chance even for polenta, breaded cutlet, pizza, mashed potatoes, and we must obviously end with a fantastic dessert tiramisu or aa different Italian cake.

Stay hungry (and creative.. or foolish) because at the end of the lesson you have the opportunity to eat all hat you prepare, so… do your best!

Duration: XXXXXXX


Note: children up to YYYY yo are allowed under parental control
Meeting Point: Hotel/Airport/Train Station or other, according to your needs